# snapdir-test

Test utilities and runner for snapdir commands.

# Usage:

# runs all tests for snapdir

	  # soucing into an existing script
. snapdir-test [sourced-test-file]

The snapdir-test script is intended to be sourced by other scripts to expose the following functions.

  • describe: Describes a group of checks.
  • check: Using a check will instruct the test runner to expect a fail/pass. The test runner with grep for "check " entries to guess how many tests are expected to be implemented.
  • fail: Fail the test, shows the message and runs the tear down.
  • pass: Decrement the number of pending tests as tracked by check.
  • run_tests: Runs the tests.
  • run_tests_without_teardown: Runs the tests without tear down.

A temporary directory is created for each test run and can be accessed via _SNAPDIR_TEST_TMP_DIR. This directory is removed when the test finishes unless tests are run with run_tests_without_teardown.

# Options:

sourced-test-file  When specified, the test file is sourced and
                   the thest suite will take the basename of the
                   file as the name of the test suite.

# Examples:

 # Import test utilities
 # shellcheck disable=SC1091
 . "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/snapdir-test" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"

 test_suite() {
   local result

   describe "group of checks description"

   check "check a"
   result=$(echo "a" 2>&1 || true)
   test "$result" == "a" || fail "expected '${result}' to be a" && pass

