# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog

Logs manifest and push events to a sqlite3 database and allows basic querying of the database.

# Background:

This is Reference implementation of snapdir catalog using a local sqlite3 database. The methods in this file are called by the snapdir script.

# Usage

snapdir-sqlite3-catalog [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

# Options

--event=name           Event name that triggered a log entry.
--debug                Enable debug output.
--help, -h             Prints help message.
--id=ID                Manifest ID to use.
--location=DIR|STORE   Location for catalog queries.
--verbose              Enable verbose output.
--version, -v          Prints version.

# Commands

ancestors --id=                 Get a list of ancestor snapdir IDs their location.
help [COMMAND]                  Prints help information.
locations                       Lists directories and stores where snapshots
                                have been taken or published.
log --id= --event= --location=  Saves an event. Calls save under the hood.
revisions --location=           Get a list of snapdir IDs created on a
                                location (store or abs path).
save --id= --location=          Saves an entry and sets it's ancestor.
test                            Runs unit tests.
version                         Prints the version.

# Environment variables

SNAPDIR_SQLITE3_BIN               Path to sqlite3 binary with json support.
SNAPDIR_SQLITE3_CATALOG_DB_PATH   Path where the database will be created.
                                  Defaults to ~/.snapdir/catalog-production.sqlite3.db.

# Examples

# Saves a log entry to the database for newly generated manifest.
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog log --event "manifest" --id "${SNAP_MANIFEST_ID}" --location "/some/dir"

# Saves a log entry to the database for newly pushed manifest.
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog log --event "push" --id "${SNAP_MANIFEST_ID}" --location "s3://some-bucket/"

# Lists all locations and stores where snapshots have been taken or published.
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog locations

# shows all the ancestors of a given snapdir ID.
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog ancestors --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}"

# shows all ancestors for a given snapdir ID in a given location.
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog ancestors --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}" --location="s3://some-bucket/"

# Gets a list of revisions stored on a store
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog revisions --location="s3://my-bucket/some/path"

# Gets a list of revisions stored on a local directory
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog revisions --location="/home/user/some/path"

# API Reference

# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog log

Receives a log message from a a snapdir event.

This is the only write interface for the catalog. Called after manifest generation and store pushing.


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog log \
    --event="$EVENT_NAME" \
    --location="${LOCATION}" \

# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog save

Saves an entry on the snapdir_history table.

This is not called directly by snapdir but is called the snapdir_sqlite3_catalog_log function on a new subshell.


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog save \
    --location="${LOCATION}" \

# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog locations

Lists locations tracked by the catalog. These include local directories and stores.


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog locations

Returns: JSON lines of the form:

    "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS",
    "id": "${SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "location": "${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog locations

# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog ancestors

Get a list of ancestor snapdir IDs and the location where they where created.


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog ancestors \
    --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}" \

Returns: JSON lines of the form:

    "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS",
    "id": "${PARENT_SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "location": "${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog ancestors --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}"
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog ancestors --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}" --location="s3://some-bucket/"

# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog revisions

Get a list of snapdir IDs created on a specific location.


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog revisions \

Returns: JSON lines of the form:

    "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS",
    "id": "${SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "previous_id": "${PREVIOUS_SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "location": "${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"


# Gets a list of revisions stored on a store
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog revisions --location="s3://my-bucket/some/path"

# Gets a list of revisions stored on a local directory
snapdir-sqlite3-catalog revisions --location="/home/user/some/path"

# snapdir-sqlite3-catalog test

Runs tests for the snapdir-sqlite3-catalog


snapdir-sqlite3-catalog test